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Mothers’ Union (MU)

Mothers’ Union (MU) The Mothers’ Union is a worldwide society, organization or fellowship of Christian women in the Anglican Communion or Churches who accept it under the patronage of the Archbishops Bishops and Priests, joined in prayer and fellowship. It was founded by Mrs Mary Elizabeth Sumner in 1876 at…
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Kenya Anglican Men’s Association (KAMA)

Kenya Anglican Men’s Association (KAMA) The Kenya Anglican Men’s Association (KAMA) was formed in 2002. It is a forum for men in the Anglican Church of Kenya to fellowship and serve Christ. It also prepares men to play their God given roles within family, the church and country. In January…
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Lay Readers

Lay Readers Lay Readers are a dedicated group of Christian volunteer men and women licensed by their Bishop to assist in Worship services. They are present in most branches of the Anglican Church, though their mandates may differ in each National Church and Diocese. Usually, they serve not only in…
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